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Was Nathan Anthony St. Pierre Listed in SBC Abuse Investigation Report?

Nathan Anthony St. Pierre, a choir director at Evansville’s Washington Avenue Baptist Church, was charged with 12 counts of sexual misconduct with a minor, a 14-year-old girl. In Indiana, he pleaded guilty to three counts of sexual misconduct with a minor and was sentenced to seven years in prison. After being released on parole in 2010, he registered as a sex offender in Georgia.

Southern Baptist Convention Sexual Abuse Helpline

SBC Guidepost Report PDF

According to the Washington Post, a 300-page report was released on Sunday, May 22, 2022. The document includes horrible new details concerning specific abuse instances and clarify how denominational authorities actively opposed abuse prevention and reform for many years.

Southern Baptist Convention leaders have revealed an extensive and independent third-party investigation that uncovered that abusers were typically overlooked, forgotten, or perhaps criticized by high-level church leaders from within this religious denomination of larger than 16 million individuals. Furthermore, it revealed these leaders typically lied to their very own members to avoid them from knowing the prevalent sexual wrongdoing.

Read more about the bombshell SBC Guidepost Report PDF

A History of Overlooked Misconduct

Almost all of these reported incidents occurred outside of the statute of limitations, making it uncertain how many predators were really charged. According to the report, a secret list of predators was kept.

The report asserts that a major Southern Baptist official was credibly implicated of sexual assault merely 1 month after completing his two-year term as the convention’s president. Furthermore, Johnny Hunt, a widely known Georgia Southern Baptist preacher and senior vice president of the SBC’s missions arm, was credibly implicated of assaulting a female during a 2010 vacation in Panama City Beach, FL. The North American Mission Board president claimed he was uninformed of the accusations prior to Hunt resigning on May 13. The report additionally identifies 3 prior presidents of the convention, a former vice president, and the former head of the SBC’s administrative arm as prominent SBC officials who helped in covering up for and even motivated suspected abusers.

Accountability in the Southern Baptist Convention

Russell Moore, the previous head of the SBC’s policy arm, the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission, stated ‘this is not all Southern Baptists, look at all the good we do.’ The report demonstrates a pattern of stonewalling, retaliation, coverup, and intimidation.” He desires this document will bring much-needed reform and hold those liable for their misconduct.

The document alleges that a principal Southern Baptist official was credibly implicated of sexual abuse merely one month after completing his two-year spell as the convention’s president. The report also names three previous presidents of the convention, a previous vice president, and the previous head of the SBC’s administrative branch as notable SBC leaders who aided in protecting and even encouraged thought sexual predators.

He wishes this report will bring about much-needed change and hold those accountable for their actions.

To learn more about resources available for survivors in Indiana, visit this page:

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